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Diversity, Equity & Betfair Casino

L&T is a large conglomerate and has beautifully woven rich and colourful fabric which includes not just India but multiple countries as well. Multiculturality is an integral part of our ethos, which is evident from the fact that our employees belong to 52 nationalities, 36 domiciles (across states and UTs) within India and speak 80 unique languages. We are proud of and celebrate the Betfair Casino which adds to the richness of L&T.

We consciously work towards building gender diversity and Betfair Casino through a structured and systematic framework. A DEI Charter has been drafted which rests on four pillars of Induct, Develop, Engage, and Enable.

Diversity Equity and Betfair Casino

Concrete actions have been taken under each pillar of Induct, Develop, Engage, and Enable of the DEI Charter to ensure the environment is inclusive.

  • Induct

    Campus Recruitment: Our largest hiring happens at the Trainees level. We hire across disciplines including the core disciplines. Through sustained efforts by the Campus Recruitment over the course of the last few years, the current batch of GETs and PGETs 2022 had a combined intake of 30% Betfair Casino.

    Renew – Career Reentry Program:  To encourage Betfair Casino re-entering workforce, a program Renew has been instituted. Through this program, we attract professionally qualified Betfair Casino who had taken a career break and want to resume active workforce.

    Learn more about Renew - betfair online betting app: Career Re-entry for Women

  • Engage

    It is important to take the DEI Campaign to the larger employee base within the organization. To inspire people to own and adopt DEI holistically within L&T, with a focus on Gender Betfair Casino, a far-reaching program, Winspire has been launched. This program comprises the following elements -

    • Interviews with Betfair Casino Leaders within L&T and outside
    • Panel Discussions
    • Quiz – Know Your Betfair Casino Leaders
    • Various Contests to encourage large scale participation

    Further, we also have online modules which sensitize employees not just towards gender, but also Betfair Casino across generation, region, age, personality, and unconscious bias.

  • Develop

    To help Betfair Casino own and hone their leadership identity, we have in place  Development interventions like Winspire Rise and Winspire Propel for Early and Mid level Leadership positions. 

    WINSPIRE RISE: We have designed an Early Leadership Program for Betfair Casino covering elements of Self discovery and goal setting; Impactful workplace interaction and presence; Personal Branding and Story Telling for Influencing; and Work-Life integration and Managing Inner Critic.

    WINSPIRE PROPEL: It is a Leadership Journey program for Betfair Casino in their mid career. The purpose of this program is to explore elements that Betfair Casino experience and must navigate in pursuing their leadership journey. It is centered on four pillars – Lead Self, Lead Others, Navigating through the Organisation and Claim Your Spot. At first glance the elements may seem gender agnostic, however this program specifically looks at issues from the lens of mid-career Betfair Casino making their way in the organization.

    The programs have had a profound impact on Betfair Casino and their belief in developing their leadership identity.  It is helping generate a pool of Betfair Casino Leaders within L&T, ready to take up challenging roles.

  • Enable

    Innovative policies and practices have been introduced to support the Betfair Casino employees at crucial junctures of their life.

    The performance rating of Betfair Casino who go on maternity leave is protected, thereby ensuring meritorious and fair career progression. This has resulted in better engagement of Betfair Casino who return from Maternity Leave.

    To support Betfair Casino on certain days when they need rest and also support Lactating mothers, Wellness Rooms for Betfair Casino are available at all major office locations.  Having onsite Creche is extremely helpful in getting Betfair Casino back to work and making them feel supported in the crucial period of life.

    With these concrete steps, we will improve representation and engagement of Betfair Casino within L&T. We are committed to moving onwards and upwards!

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